Gary C. Tanko Well Drilling, Inc.
The trusted name in water well drilling, pump sales, service & installation since 1969.
Distribution System
The piping size in the distribution system should be considered independent of the source. Whether the source is adequate or limited has no effect on the piping system since a limited source can be made into an adequate supply by adding storage capacity. A poorly designed or installed piping system can cause the complete system to be inadequate even though the source is adequate and the pump, tank and other equipment have been properly sized and installed.
Equipment piping required, well-to-pump and pump-to-tank, should be sized in accordance with the pump manufacturer’s recommendations.
Service piping required, tank-to-fixtures, should conform to or exceed the minimum requirements of the National Pumping Code or applicable local codes.
The piping system should be laid out with a minimum of bends and must be of a size to minimize loss of head, or pressure, due to friction of flow. It is recommended that the Water Systems Council Standards on friction loss in pipes be consulted for values.
Pipeline trenches must be deep enough to prevent freezing in the winter.
Full attention should be given to assure having a sanitary and clean distribution system. Soiled piping should be cleaned and disinfected before connections are made. Before the system is placed into service, it should be flushed and disinfected.
There should be no connection that could allow back siphonage or allow polluted water to be drawn into the system.